Already have a property in mind?

Here is where Brent can help!

Message Sent!

Cool! Let me take a look at what you want and we'll see about getting it for you!

Need to leave quick, fast, and in a hurry?

Brent will get it sold!

Message Sent!

If you've given me your address to sell, I'll give it a look-see and get back to you!

Just stopping by to say hi?

Here's your form!

Message Sent!

I've got your message. You say Howdy and I say Hi! Get back to you soon!

Business Hours  - Typically when I'm available

  • Monday


  • Tuesday

    01:00pm – 05:30pm

  • Wednesday

    09:00 am – 05:00pm

  • Thursday

    09:00 am – 05:30pm

  • Friday

    01:00pm – 05:30pm

  • Saturday

    Appointments only

  • Sunday
